We offer the Strength With Heart program in many different forms.

 Our Services

Strength With Heart helps male leaders develop the skill sets necessary to create healthy, effective, and appropriate boundaries, while also being flexible, innovative, and open to feedback. We do this by exploring how the traditional male role (TMR) impacts aspects of relationship success, both personally and professionally. Our goal is to help you achieve peak performance in your many roles.

The TMR is sometimes witnessed through attitudes and behaviors that can harm communication, collaboration, and overall effectiveness. Hiding vulnerabilities and not asking for help when feedback could be imperative, acting like isolated silos and being competitive to a fault when teamwork is necessary, objectifying or not fully valuing women, and being unwilling to acknowledge mistakes when course correction is vital are a few examples of problematic TMR influences.  However, the TMR can also support the growth and development of individuals and teams through positive expressions of masculinity such as courage (taking worthwhile, sensible risks), the worker/provider role (finding meaning and purpose through achievement), humanitarian service (focus on social interest and common good), and humor (for healing, coping, and connecting).

Strength With Heart works with individuals, teams, and organizations to understand and deal effectively with TMR challenges and opportunities. We customize our programs to meet the specific wants and needs of each relationship, team, or organization.


Individual, Team, & Organizational Consulting

We offer a five-step consulting process:

1. Assess the hidden, sometimes negative impact, of the traditional male role (TMR) and build upon positive aspects

2. Educate on the impact of TMR on collaboration, communication, leadership, and strategy

3. Develop a plan to address these issues for a more open, safe, and creative organization

4. Implement this plan through consistent and ongoing best practices

5. Assess the current plan through various metrics and course-correcting when necessary

 Strength With Heart Retreat

Improving relational dynamics is central to our mission:

Our retreats are designed to help teams identify their core values and sense of purpose, and develop practices and habits that lead to personal development, self-fulfillment, and the ability to communicate well with others—both in personal and professional relationships.

We combine a variety of different modalities in the process. These include increasing body awareness, visualization, working with inner saboteurs, relaxing the nervous system, and understanding the impact of communication patterns. Ranging from insight to behavior, we help you develop greater self-awareness and translate this awareness into skillful actions.


 Workshops and Trainings

Our organization has a combined 100 years of experience in research, clinical practice, teaching, and consulting:

We have provided performance coaching to many different people, from professional athletes to C-level executives in global corporations. We develop custom workshops and training experiences that range from one hour to a full curriculum and can be delivered on-site or virtually to meet your needs. Below are some sample workshops:

- True Courage: Challenging Myths about Men & Masculinity
- Gender Roles & Sexism In Leadership
- #MeToo, or not #MeToo? That is the Question
- How to Have Difficult Conversations
- Mastering Resilience and Mental Toughness

Book a Free Consultation

Schedule a 30-minute meeting with a Strength With Heart consultant to discuss your training needs.


“The Strength With Heart approach helped us develop a more emotionally intelligent approach to our leadership style within my company. I was also able to apply the skills to my personal life.”

— Strength With Heart Client