Introducing Strength With Heart, an innovative program to help men get the most out of their life.
Get access to expert consultation and training aimed at becoming happier and healthier and improving performance in all that you do.
Our Approach
We are a team of experts within the psychological study of men and masculinities whose mission is to help men live more meaningful and successful lives. We believe that for men to be their best possible selves, they need to more healthfully harness the traditional strength-based notions of manhood, while also developing greater abilities in the emotional realm. Through our work, we help men develop the mindset and skillset to meet their goals and ultimately succeed in today’s complex, modern world.
In other words — we help men with developing Strength With Heart
Our Values
We aspire to live in a world where:
Men feel the freedom and confidence to be fully human—to have access to the full range of human traits, emotions, and actions.
Men are both strong and heartful, dynamic and receptive, assertive and flexible, direct and kind, confident and humble, serious and playful.
Men have deeply connected and compassionate relationships with themselves and with others.
Our Services
Workshops & Training
Our Team
Daniel Ellenberg, PhD
Frederic Rabinowitz, PhD
Ryan McKelley, PhD
Tyler Bradstreet, PhD